Reshaping Boston Transit 2040
Smart and Resilient Mode Share
Course: MIT 11.540 Urban Transportation Planning: Policy and Planning for Sustainable Mobility
Instructor: Jim Aloisi
Individual Work
Date: Sep.-Nov., 2020
This course seeks to explore the full meaning of the term Sustainable Mobility and through that process develop an approach to transportation planning that responds to contemporary mobility needs and values, with an emphasis on transport justice.
The Assignments are focused on planning challenge and opportunity of the moment: revitalizing urban transit and encouraging a safer, more health-resilient public realm. Specifically with respect to transit, the task is to identify policies and interventions that have the goal of increasing transit mode share by ten percent every five (5) years over the next twenty (20) years. “Transit” for purposes of this exercise includes all bus, subway, trolley and intercity (commuter) rail operated by the MBTA.
Sustainable Mobility, Transport Justice, Transit Revitalization, Resilience
1. A detailed outline of a plan to revitalize urban transit and encourage a safer, more health-resilient public realm. You have the choice of being a planner working for the Boston Transportation Department or the MBTA. Your outline will make an initial attempt to identify policies and interventions (short-term measures and longer term capital investments) that achieve the stated objectives.
2. A significantly more developed narrative that begins to detail each element of your plan. This rich outline is the document that begins to flesh out the details of your proposals, including their efficacy, cost, funding viability, impacts on each mode and proposals to mitigate
negative impacts, likelihood to gain necessary stakeholder and political support, impacts of
any alterations to MBTA service plans, uses of and synergies among various transport
modes, and potential or likely impacts on a broad spectrum of residents and stakeholders.
3. The final recommendation memo which should be a well-reasoned and fully developed memorandum to either the Mayor of Boston or the Chairman of the MBTA Board, making the case for a set of policies and interventions that help the city move toward a “new normal”. You should identify the broad range of stakeholders impacted by your recommendations and include recommendations regarding how to generate political will and develop consensus or buy-in among the various stakeholders.
Overview: Status Quo

Overview of walking access and bicycle facilities.
Here are two illustrations from Go Boston 2030 to give a brief overview of the status quo. One is the walking access that a dense transit network is easily accessed by foot in only some parts of the city; the other is the growth of bicycling with fragmentized bicycle facilities. As shown in Fig. 1. Both the pictures reveal the underlying challenge that might undermine transport justice in the long run. In other words, less respect is given to the active transportation and thus the tragedy of the commons occur. It is responsible for the authorities to prioritize the non-car users and encourage transit mode share.
To strive to a more sustainable mobility future in Boston, we need to shift from the conventional auto-centric mode to a way that joins together mobility with more resilient public realm. It is urgent to strike a balance among accessibility (connectivity), safety (protectivity), and affordability (equity). In the following sections, we propose and detail our plan of reshaping smart and resilient transit mode share for Boston 2040.
Timeline plan: combination of Daas, MaaS, and IaaS from three scales

Overview of timeline plan from three scales.
As a planner working for the MBTA, the current issue is to help the agency to displace the transit mode share to a significant degree, thus to encourage a safer, and more health-resilient public realm. To decipher the word “resilient”-which means being sustainable in the long run- it is inspiring to let the transit mode itself become an intelligent entity. The transit mode should think within humanity aided by technology, in order to provide better service for the citizens. Therefore, we need to figure out the hierarchical relationship among technology, mobility and human to blueprint the reshaping plan.
In terms of the connection between cyber technology and physical space in transit, it is a key strategic priority to link the vehicles and infrastructure that enables a much more efficient mobility. This is mentioned in the conference of “Seamless travel: Navigating the challenges (Nov. 6th, 2019)”, which emphasizes on the construction of an ecosystem for transit mode share.
Short-term (1-3 yrs) implementation- test area

Test area location in Boston (from: Vision Zero Boston Action Plan)
Intermediate (4-9 yrs) outcome- important node

Neighborhood microHubs and walk-bike friendly main streets (from Go Boston 2030)
Final (10+ yrs) impact- urban network